Rooting Needle 43g 1 Barb Uncut
A great fine-gauge rooting needle. Because they only have 1 barb, they will literally only pick up a sinlgle hair at a time. Yes, it's slow going but the results are worth it. It works well with the mushroom handled rooting tool or the wooden needle holder.
10 needles per pack
Help with choosing needles:
38g - Fine
40g - Very fine
42g - Super fine
43g - Extremley fine
46g - Almost Invisible! ( for Silicone dolls only )
Star - The stem is a cross formation with 2 barbs to each face randomly placed. Total of 8 barbs
Crown - The stem is a triangular formation with 3 barbs at the tip
Fork - Round stem with a groove at the tip they are barbless
3 Barb - Triangular stem formation and 1 randomly placed barb per side
6 Barb - Triangular stem formation and 2 randomly placed barbs per side
1 Barb - Triangular formation and one barb